giovedì 25 febbraio 2016

Spleen by Stefano Donno

I was silent for years
losing myself in useless exercises in style.

In all this time without feeling any doubt
i tried hard to find
for at least 300 times a day
sincere words or phrases of circumstance
able to witness
my huge trend for irony clumsy.

I often write down
on small sheets spread out my good intentions
even if the large amount of lies ...
it provides a catastrophic advantage
to all those indolent weaknesses
wise in their balance losses and revenues
insights and motivations costs and revenues.

One day, thanks to this discipline
i will assume a more decent control 

i will learn to regulate his heartbeat
i will talk less and say less nonsense
in short, I give a picture of me sweeter
leaving no room for laziness or
the wonder.

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